About Nepal Engineering College

nec was established in 1994 as a self-funded, not-for-profit social academic institute by a group of visionary Nepalese eminent professionals, academicians, managers and industrialists who realized the need of an institution serving the higher educational needs in engineering, technology and management reaching out to a wider section of Nepalese youths and making quality education accessible and affordable. Their aim was to produce technically competent engineering graduates ready to contribute in the accelerated social and economic growth of the country. This pioneering example set by nec led to the establishment of several engineering colleges in the country in the later years. nec is committed to retaining its long earned reputation as ‘an institution with concerns for quality education and academic freedom’, again an example set by it for others to follow.
Since its establishment, nec is engaged in designing, upgrading and standardizing academic curriculum and its delivery at Bachelor and Masters level courses in engineering, technology and allied disciplines. nec intends to continue with this initiative, offering more innovative and applied courses in the established and emerging areas in the days to come. In doing so nec has succeeded in establishing a “brand” of its own. Initiated with limited physical and instructional resources, nec has now grown into an institution with its learning resources comparable to any institution of repute in the country and the region. The physical infrastructure and instructional resources, built on 210 ropanies (10.69 ha) of land at the lap of Changunarayan in Bhaktapur, a UNESCO world heritage site, right beside the Manohara river bank provide an ideal ambience of learning.

Currently, nec offers Bachelor level courses in Civil Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Civil and Rural Engineering and Civil Engineering for Diploma Holders leading to B.E. (Bachelor of Engineering) degree, Bachelor level course in Architecture leading to B. Arch (Bachelor of Architecture) degree, and postgraduate courses leading to Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in Construction Management (CM), Natural Resources Management (NRM), Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management (iWRM) and Transportation Engineering and Management (TEAM). The B.E. Civil for Diploma Holders course is organized at nec-BDH in Lalitpur and all the Postgraduate courses are organized at nec-Center for Postgraduate Studies (nec-CPS) also located in Lalitpur

College Image

nec Center for Postgraduate Studies (nec-CPS)

The formation of nec Center for Postgraduate Studies (nec-CPS), by the decision of the board of governance of nec in 2009 was a significant milestone and commitment of nec towards vertical growth of the educational agenda. As stated earlier four postgraduate courses leading to M.Sc. (Master of Science) degree in Construction Management (CM), Interdisciplinary Water Resource Management (iWRM), Natural Resources Management (NRM), and Transportation Engineering and Management (TEAM) are organized under nec-CPS at present. All these courses are offered in affiliation with Pokhara University. nec-CPS is headed by the Director, who is responsible for overall planning, administration and management functions and in providing leadership in conceiving, designing and implementing new programs. All the academic matters pertinent to specific courses are coordinated by program coordinators designed for different course areas.

Our Teams

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Assoc. Prof. Robert Dongol

Acting Director,nec-CPS


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Asst. Prof. Dr. Narayan Prasad Koju

Coordinator, NRM


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Asst. Prof. Rajesh Khadka

Coordinator, TEAM


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Asst. Prof. Dr. Dinesh Sukamani

Coordinator, CM


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Asst. Prof. Sujan Nepal

Coordinator, RMC


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Prof. Dr. Thusitha Chandani Shahi



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Asst. Prof. Manoj Kunwar



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Asst. Prof. Gopal Gautam



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Asst. Prof. Pratik Singh Thakuri



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Asst. Prof. Sudip Pokhrel



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Mrs. Jyoti Dahal

Coordinator, GIST Project


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Mr. Saroj Dhakal

Administrator, Library


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Mr. Ramchandra Pandit

Jr. Administrator, Exam


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Mr. Sujan Tamang

Office Supporter, Administration


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Ms. Sarita Bhujel

Office Supporter, Account


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Mr. Krishna Bahadur Maharjan

Office Supporter, Driver


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Mr. Niroj Magar

Junior Office Supporter, Lab


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Mrs. Nhyaymaru Maharjan

Office Helper


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Mrs. Menuka Basnet

Office Helper
