The master's course in Natural Resources management was offered beginning the academic year of 2000-2001. Natural Resource Management covers one of the main subjects Natural Resource Management. Natural resource management refers to the management of natural resources such as land, water, soil, plants, and animals, with a focus on how management affects the quality of life for both present and future generations (stewardship). The duration of Master of Science in Natural Resource Management is mostly of two academic years.

The course aims a unique education and knowledge required to solve interdisciplinary challenges encompassing social, institutional, ecological, and economic aspects in planning, development, and utilization of natural resources. Natural resource management refers to the management of natural resources such as land, water, soil, plants, and animals, with a focus on how management affects the quality of life for both present and future generations (stewardship). The duration of a Master of Science in Natural Resource Management is mostly two academic years. This has been the most sought course among the people who wish to develop their career in the areas of conservation and management of natural resources and its management. The course emphasizes scientific proficiency and applied skills in forest management, wildlife management, watershed management, water resources management, alternative energy, environment management, Mines and mineral resources management, and urban and rural planning and development.

Aim of the Program

M.Sc. Natural Resources Management (NRM) aims to produce graduates with adequate knowledge and skills to be competent natural resources managers, executives or entrepreneurs capable of becoming change agents in the corporate and social field.

Credit Hour

Of the total academic credit, the course work involves 44 credits and 16 credit hours are dedicated for an independent research on real field based problem.

Eligibility :

Bachelor Degree in Science and Technology (Engineering, Basic, Applied and Natural Sciences), securing a minimum second division (or equivalent) from a recognized university/institution.

Course Structure

Semester Course code Couse Title Credit Hour
First NRM511 Natural Resources System 3
EFW 501 Forest and wildlife ecology 3
STT510 Statistics 3
NRM 513 Conflict and Natural Resources Management 3
NRM 515 Practical I (Field work and seminar presentation) 3
NRM516 Practical II Case study and term paper 3
Total 15
Second NRM 514 Energy Resources & Environment 3
NRM 523 Geospatial and remote Sensing Techniques 3
NRM521 Natural Resources Governance and Policy 3
NRM512 Climate Change in Natural Resources Management 3
Elective I 3
Elective II 3
Total 18
Third NRM 611 Integrated Watershed Management 3
RCH 621 Research Methodology and Scientific writing 3
NRM 612 Environmental Assessment 3
NRM 622 Natural Resources Economics 3
NRM625 Practical III Case study and term paper 2
Elective III 3
Total 17
Fourth NRM 691 Thesis 12
Total 12
Total Credit Hour 62